Colorado Squares, 10 inch, an exclusive series for Portfolio Gallery
Colorado Squares
uit 2020 tot 2020
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2020One day I realized that I had seen and painted so much nature that I wanted to be creative with a homely place. Looking for an idea I decided to paint this gallery, owned by two of the most gracious people I know. Carol and Alan Kelly from Portfolio Gallery Breckenridge Creativity is contageous, pass it on, Albert Einstein

2020After a rainy day the sky is clear but the woods muddy, I love the colors after rain. Of all the paths you take, make sure a few of them are dirt, John Muir

2020The mountains are magic, the vast plains overwhelming. the little pond a beauty in simplicity There is beauty in simplicity, unknown

2020Looking at this vast piece of land I initially saw grass and mountains. Sitting there for a while I noticed the many colors in that grass. Not just made up by man, but by nature "Colors are the smiles of nature", Leigh Hunt

I like this place
2020It started raining, it was windy, I couldnt see the mountains, but still : I like this place. "I like this place and could willingly spent my tim in it" Shakespeare

2020On an almost empty plain with clouds, sun and some rain I painted this farm. I tried to imagine to live there, in that empty space, working very hard and every day take a little break and realize that even though the work can be brutal, living here is a piece of heaven. "On earth there is no heaven but there are pieces of it" Jules Renard

2020In spring you find numurous flowers, every one of them shines with beauty. I like to paint the littlest things that we take for granted In all things of nature there is something marvelous, Aristotle